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The Beautiful Freckled Ms. Hazel

I've had acquaintances and friends ask what it takes to get a great doggo portrait. And there are really 2 answers to the question. The first applies 90% of the need a sound understanding of photography and dog behavior...and a willingness to crawl on the floor while making weird sounds or waving toys/treats. The second answer applies to 10% of the get you a stunning camera ready pup like Ms. Hazel here...and she pretty much does all the work for you. She knows her good side, pays attention to the light, and will hold a pose like a boss. Seriously....not one awkward shot. Majestic AF this girl! A little about Ms. Hazel, she was Fred's very first best friend. They met when she was a teeny tiny baby Bulldog meatball...and they would wrestle and wrestle in the lobby of our condo building. As she grew she won more and more of her tussles with him. I remember this shoot with her was hysterical because she desperately wanted to play with Fred but also wanted to get her modeling on. Our whole family is obsessed with this girl's beautiful spotted face! Seriously can you blame us?

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